硬件 & 软件采购




Please make sure you reviewed the 硬件 purchase process before submitting your 请求.


All district technology procurement for hardware must be procured through User 支持 服务. The District only 所有ows the purchase of supported computing equipment unless a justification is obtained and approved first by technician, then by the IT Manager.

Departments are required to procure and/or upgrade to hardware and software that IT 服务 & 支持 supports, so that we can provide optimal service, and you have assurance that your configuration will be compatible with our complicated networked 环境.

Technology that is purchased by CalCard will not be approved. 个人购买 equipment will not be serviced or supported by the ITSS teams.

电子邮件用户支持服务 usersupportservices@0933282516.com 要求进行采购咨询.

We put this information together to assist departments in estimating for procurement 目的.  Use these estimates to help budget for procurement or to assist in estimating 单位规划.

The delivery of your equipment may take up to a month or more, depending on the item and the duration of the purchasing process. Desktops and laptops, in particular, will require imaging, adding additional time to the over所有 process.

  • First, initiate the 请求 by contacting User 支持 via email at User支持服务@0933282516.com.
  • The purchase 请求 is then directed to the designated tech for the relevant purchase area, who reviews it and contacts the purchaser for necessary information to generate 一个报价.
  • Once the tech generates 一个报价, it is sent back to User 支持. 请求被提交 on hold until a completed purchase form is submitted, and the user is informed via the Web Help Desk 票 system with instructions and the purchase form, [硬件购买表格].
  • A requisition is created using the information provided in the purchase form, contingent upon the availability of funds and error-free processing.
  • Following requisition creation, the next steps involve approval from the IT Manager 以及任何其他指定的审批人. Addition所有y, approval is required from the area 主任或院长.Orders exceeding $10,000 necessitate further approval from the area Vice President, and if the order exceeds $20,000, additional approval is needed from 行政副总统.
  • Once 所有 required approvals are obtained, the 业务 Office signs off on the 请求 并生成采购订单. When User 支持 receives a mailed Purchase Order, signed off by the Director of 业务 服务, the purchase can be made from the 供应商.
  • Upon purchase, the received items are delivered to Butte College's shipping and receiving department, who then dispatch the items to the designated tech.
  • At this stage, the area tech will require time to set up and deliver the items to 请求者.
The following are standard and estimated cost.  请注意,这些只是估计值 并且可以改变.

  • 戴尔台式电脑——1225美元.00
  • 戴尔Latitude笔记本电脑——1375美元.00
  • 戴尔Latitude坞站——230美元.00
  • 戴尔27英寸显示器——269美元.99
  • Dell Sound Bar (Connects under the monitor) - $51.99
  • 戴尔无线键盘 & 鼠标- $38.99
  • 罗技网络摄像头(1080P)——89美元.99
  • 罗技4K网络摄像头——179美元.51
  • Macbook Pro – 16” (Laptop) w/ 梦+ - $2920
  • Macbook Pro基座——450美元
  • 苹果鼠标+苹果键盘- 300美元
  • iPad Pro w/Apple Care - Price dependent on Size of iPad.
The following object codes should be used for purchasing IT hardware.  问题 specific所有y about object codes should be directed to the 业务 Office.

  • 54511 Computer supplies (peripheral) *non-instructional, (under $200 per item).
  • 54311 Computer supplies (peripheral) *instructional, (under $200 per item).
  • 56411 电脑硬件200美元以上. 这是项目的总成本.
  • 56611 This is for single item purchases over $5000.
  • 55630 Warranties will need funding assigned to budget codes ending in 55630. 梦+ from Apple products is one example of this. 任何担保项目的资金将需要 在这个代码中.
    • non-instructional – faculty and staff offices, etc.
    • instructional – used by students in labs, classrooms, etc.


Please make sure you reviewed the Software purchase process before submitting your 请求.


How to Complete the 软件审批表格:

All 请求s for software or IT services (including no cost software or services) must undergo an IT assessment for interoperability, privacy, and accessibility before being sent to the contracts office for final review, approval, signature, and PO creation.

To make the process easier, we have created a form to 请求 the information we need 处理您的要求. Please 所有ow 8 weeks to process an assessment, once 所有 required 提交文件. 未能提供 所有 请求ed documentation may result in a processing delay.


  • 获得你的 院长或主任的批准 对于这次购买/收购
  • 确认一个 资金来源 for this purchase (unless there is no cost)
  • 获得 所有 请求ed documents (ask 供应商 for these documents)
    • 报价/发票 
    • License Terms and Agreement and/or EULA (End User Licensing Agreement
    • 隐私声明
    • 无障碍声明和/或VPAT
    • List of data elements to be uploaded to 供应商's system - 如果适用的话
  • If the software is to be loaded onto District Lab Computers, 提交一个 用户支援服务 to obtain technician approval for lab inst所有ation and 获取技术人员的批准批复
Software Approval takes a minimum of 8 weeks



巴特校园路3536号, 奥罗维尔,加州99565
