

  1. Make note of the student's behaviors or other circumstances in relation to 你的班级 that you believe are impacting/may impact the student's learning. THESE are the focus of your interactions with the student, NOT any disability. Examples – problems participating in 讨论, answering questions orally, and/or other communication in class; technology problems such lack of flexibility or responsiveness of speech device; difficulty participating in small groups; challenges with pace of class because of time lag with speech or device.
  2. Speak with the student in a confidential environment. When making arrangements for the meeting, if the student needs assistance communicating, ask the student if s/he will be bringing an interpreter. Remind the student that s/he can request an interpreter for the meeting through the 需求方办公室. If no interpreter is available but assistance communicating is needed, 安排一次会议, either face-to-face or online, that is mediated partly or entirely through text-based communications such as chat, 讨论, 短信, 或者类似的方法. Or simply use, or have the student use, paper and pencil to communicate in writing. As possible, allow extra meeting time to negotiate communication challenges during the meeting.
  3. 问学生 what challenges s/he is experiencing in the class and what strategies s/he has used successfully in the past, and use these to inform your instructional practice. Note: speak directly to the student, not to a companion or interpreter if one is present. If the student has both speaking and hearing challenges, recognize that the student will often need to break eye contact with you to follow the translation. When the interpreter voices the student's responses, keep eye contact with the student, 不是翻译.
  4. 如果相关, ask the student about his/her speech generating device or other equipment to help you determine if simple changes can improve learning for the student. 例如, you might agree to provide the questions you will be asking during lecture, 新条款, and/or new vocabulary to the student in advance of class time so that s/he can program his/her device to be ready to participate fully in class.
  5. discuss any concerns you have that the student has not already raised, based on your observations and your knowledge of your upcoming assignments and curriculum. Then strategize with the student how to address these. You may wish to refer to the 教学策略 创意页面.
  6. If the student has an accommodation plan需求方, 复习和讨论 the plan with the student.
  7. If the student does not have an accommodation plan: While you can't directly refer a student to the 需求方办公室 or inquire whether the student currently works with 需求方, you CAN recommend a RANGE of campus services to the student. Discuss student support services on campus including 在中科院辅导, CAS工作坊, 需求方办公室, 咨询, and other services as appropriate, and offer to refer the student as s/he wishes, using 早期预警.
  8. 在适当的情况下, 也可参阅 听力的挑战 页面 for further assistance.


  1. Consider shifting some class communications and activities to paper or electronic text-based systems 比如发短信, 在线聊天, online 讨论 forums (live in class OR asynchronous) or similar venues to facilitate a more equitable communication environment.
  2. Ask colleagues for strategies they have used successfully when dealing with similar challenges, but be careful to maintain the student's confidentiality.
  3. Check your instructional materials for ADA, 504, and 508 compliance 使用这个 检查表 and begin retrofitting your materials to meet these federal requirements.
  4. 联系 the 需求方办公室 to request any resources they may have available to support your working with a student with the challenges you are observing. They may have media or print materials specific to your concerns, or they may be able to refer you to a campus colleague who has had success working with similar students.
  5. If you develop concerns regarding the safety of your student, 你的班级, 和/或自己, contact your department chair, your dean or director, or the Vice President for Student Services for guidance.


To expand your knowledge base for working with students with disabilities:

  1. 检查 教学策略 页面 for specific strategies.
  2. 探索 进一步的资源 for Teachers 页面 for links to additional guides, information, and materials to build your skills.
  3. 我的 Disability Awareness 图书页面, 电影, 在线视频剪辑, and other materials to provide context to work effectively with these students.


Material provided for information purposes only. For legal advice, consult a legal professional.