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Photography Program

摄影课程为学生提供黑白和彩色摄影的工作知识, 以及入门级工作所需的基本实验室和技术技能. 该课程旨在教学生成为独立的专业摄影师或为他人担任技术人员/摄影师. 摄影是一个两年制的副学士学位课程.

在这个媒体意识强烈的时代,摄影几乎被应用于每一个领域. Public relations and advertising firms, newspapers, 杂志和时尚行业是比较传统的雇主. 相机和实验室技能也需要肖像,婚礼和科学摄影. 工作人员摄影师受雇于工业和建筑公司, hospitals, telecommunication and record companies, galleries and schools, as well as state agencies. 摄影师也需要为土地和/或农业发展项目进行航空测量. 工作摄影师遇到的挑战需要他们的技术技能和艺术创新. 工作包括为不同的客户安排摄影任务.

The ARTS building
Film Processing
Wet Lab
Field trip
Photo shoot
Photo shoot, clothed
Student work
More student work
B/W Student work
Student work B/W
Another Student work B/W
Color photo
Required Courses for the Major: 32 Units
PHO 4 Color Photography Has prerequisite(s) 3
PHO 8 Commercial Photography Has prerequisite(s) 3
PHO 99 Work Experience-PHO Has prerequisite(s) 2

Contact Information

General Questions:
Jolie Cole-Barrett
(530) 893-7640

Faculty or Class Questions:
Michelle Davis or Jennifer Daly
(530) 895-2404

Daniel Donnelly
(530) 895-2880

Content editor:
Michelle Davis

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