2019-20 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the Mathematics Department is to meet the mathematics needs of all Butte College students by offering quality mathematics instruction. 我们系的学生主要有三个群体:非转学专业、转学专业和STEM专业. 通过我们的承诺,优秀的教学在一个支持性的环境, our students develop mathematical expertise, comprehension, and confidence.

A corollary to our mission is to accelerate transfer-bound students through preparatory math classes, 使他们能够尽快在转学水平的数学课上获得及格分数.

Program Description

The mathematics department offers a comprehensive two-year program leading to an Associate of Science Degree in Mathematics. The AS-T degree in Mathematics is designed for students who will transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a degree in mathematics. The program allows the students to transfer with all of their freshman and sophomore requirements completed. The mathematics department also offers courses designed as general education for other majors (complete list available) and preparatory classes for those who want these classes.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Mathematics Instructor (3)

Amount: 327000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

As a result of these three hires, we were able to avoid cancelling approximately 20 sections of math for the 2018-2019 academic year. 我们现在在格伦中心也有全职代表. In addition, these instructors are participating in the crucial work the department is doing to respond to the demands of AB 705.

Accountability Item 2


Amount: 50000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

These calculators have been provided to twenty students in each Math 18 section to use for the entire semester. 这是为这些计算器所要求的经费的一半. The original intent was to provide a calculator to all Math 18 students to use during the semester free of charge. We hope to continue to relieve the financial burden placed on our students by the SLO requiring the demonstration of the ability to use technology to carry out statistical analyses.  It has been challenging to determine which twenty students in each class will benefit from the use of a free calculator. We hope to reach a point where we have enough calculators for all students so that we don't have to make that decision in the future.







Strategic Direction (Optional)


Program Review (Optional)


Department Goals

我们的目标是提高学生对数学的理解, 提高我们所有班级学生的成功率, and provide the opportunity for students to complete their math requirements as quickly as possible without sacrificing their depth of understanding. 我们试图通过在课堂外为学生提供支持来实现这些目标, 提供数学108和数学18的加速和在线选项, 以及充分利用我们的设施和人员. We will also be complying with the spirit of AB 705 by providing the majority of transfer-bound students direct access to transfer-level math classes.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Transfer Acceleration

马克·梅维斯在2012年秋季开办了我们的第一个速成班. 学生们在同一个学期背对背地选修了数学124和数学18, earning a total of eight units and completing one developmental as well as one transfer-level math class. Over the years we have added multiple sections of this model and have seen success rates at or above our traditional model where each class is taken in a separate semester. 接下来,我们将用数学118(4个单元)取代数学124组件。, 专门为学生在数学18上取得成功而设计的课程. In addition, Math 18 has will become a 4-unit class. This combination will still provide students the opportunity to complete one competency-level math class and one transfer-level math class in a single semester. This option will best serve those students who feel the need for some preparation before enrolling directly into a transfer-level math class. It will especially benefit our re-entry students and those who have completed two years or less of high school math.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进

Supporting Rationale

Because the success rate for this model is at or above the success rate for these classes taught in the traditional model, 我们将继续提供每学期几个部分. Students in these classes have a higher retention rate than the traditional model and are often able to transfer a semester sooner than they would without this offering.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Improving Student Achievement: No

Strategy 2 - Online Courses

从2016年秋季开始,我们开始在线提供数学108,数学124和数学18. 目前,我们只能提供数学108和数学18, 因为开发数学124的老师已经不在十大网赌正规平台任教了. 随着AB 705的实施和对下转学数学课需求的减少, 在不久的将来,任何人都不太可能开发出一种替代品.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

一些学生发现由于健康原因不能来上课, family obligations, and distance from campus.  尽管这种类型的数学课的成功率比面对面的课低得多, 在线课程满足了一小群专注的学生的需求.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Improving Student Achievement: No

Strategy 3 - Supporting Students

数学系需要为我们班的学生提供比以往更多的支持, 特别是数学11和18,因为AB 705的实现. The majority of this support will be outside regular classroom time in the form of Supplemental Instruction and tutors (CAS and EOPS). We have increased the number of units in Math 18 from 3 to 4 starting fall 2019 as one way of responding to this bill and may need to make additional curriculum changes in the coming years. Our drop-in Math Lab in TE 122 will likely see increased use and we may want to reconfigure the room to facilitate more group interaction. 此外,我们欢迎为数学18的导师和科学探究课程提供专门的空间.



  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale


Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Improving Student Achievement: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

The Math Department would like access to two additional smart classrooms with a capaicty of 35 students each and whiteboard space equivalent to TE 128. 这将使我们能够使用TE 116和TE 118作为补充指令的专用房间, instead of classrooms. 这两个房间只能容纳32人,而不是我们的上限35人.

Current Financial Resources

我们的预算是数学系唯一有保障的收入来源. 我们经常从各种赠款中受益, but this is generally temporary, dedicated, or one-time funding.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Mathematics Personnel 11.000.615.1.170100 52468 $0.00 $16,340.00
计算机实验室监工/导师的学生助理工资. 学生有必要监督和指导计算机实验室的数学学生. 所要求的数额反映每周40学时,即16.5 weeks per semester, and $12.00 per hour, as well as $500 for necessary training.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
2 Mathematics Personnel $0.00 $34,200.00
Student Graders for full time faculty 为了取得成功,学生每天都需要收到关于家庭作业的反馈. 学生评分的使用使这种反馈成为可能, and gives graders, many of whom plan to become teachers, a chance to earn valuable experience. 费用是根据19名全职教师每周使用5小时的评分员计算的, 15 weeks per semester at $12.00 per hour. 在过去,我们能够提供每个教师每周10小时, so this reflects a decrease in grader use, 部分原因是一些老师选择布置在线作业,并自动评分, providing some of the necessary feedback to students, 虽然这个反馈不像我们的学生评分提供的那么彻底. This will help us support an increase in our course offerings consistent with a college-wide goal of a 10% increase in FTES.
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
3 Mathematics Personnel 11.000.615.1.170100 51391 $0.00 $25,500.00
Associate Faculty Office Hours Students do not have equal access to their instructors when their instructors are Associate Faculty unless those faculty choose to donate their time. The ongoing cost was calculated by using $25 per hour, 2 hours per week, 17 weeks per semester for 15 instructors.
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
4 Mathematics Personnel $0.00 $16,200.00
Student Graders for associate faculty 为了取得成功,学生每天都需要收到关于家庭作业的反馈. This should not be less frequent just because a student has an associate faculty member as their instructor. 学生评分的使用使这种反馈成为可能, and gives graders, many of whom plan to become teachers, a chance to earn valuable experience. 费用是基于15名助理教师每周使用3小时的评分, 15 weeks per semester at $12.00 per hour.
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • 实施结果评估期间确定的改进措施
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
5 Mathematics Personnel $0.00 $18,360.00
Student office assistants The department office serves multiple departments and in order for our Administrative Assistant to be able to do her work, 我们需要学生在办公室接听电话,并问候寻求帮助的学生. This will help us support an increase in our course offerings consistent with a college-wide goal of a 10% increase in FTES. 费用为每周45小时,每学期17周,共计12美元.00 per hour. 这个费用应该由TE 132的办公室所服务的部门来分担.
  • 维持当前水平的持续运营(不包括赠款)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
6 Mathematics Equipment $116,179.00 $0.00
35门课840个图形计算器和案例(数学18) 数学18的学生需要有一个TI-83或TI-84图形计算器. 不像STEM专业的学生购买这些计算器并在多达6节课中使用它们, these students often need them for only one class. 越来越多的学生买不起120美元的计算器, and will be at a disadvantage in the class. 这对仪表盘上的学生造成了不成比例的影响. The cost reflects increasing our current stock of 560 calculators to 1400 so that we have 35 class sets of 40 calculators ($100800), 还有35个箱子(7525美元),可以安全地运送到教室,不用的时候也可以储存起来. (Plus tax of $7853.56) These calculators will allow us to loan a calculator for the semester to every student in Math 18. This will truly make these classes free for students whose instructors choose to use free textbooks and will greatly decrease the cost of the class for all others.
  • Instructional Equipment
  • 实施结果评估期间确定的改进措施
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness